10/04/23, 17:08
Updated slides and notes for the 2022/23 syllabus!
All summary notes and tutorial slides are up to date!
(19/20 syllabus)
Updated slides and notes for the 2022/23 syllabus!
This is a full list of every module that I have either done, am currently completing or will take in the upcoming year.
Single Asterisk (*) denotes those that I do not have notes for/are yet to be uploaded
Double Asterisk (**) denotes those those that I am a TA for/have previously been for
Year 1 (2016/17):
*4CCS1PRP Programming Practice
*4CCS1CS1 Computer Systems 1
*4CCS1PL1 Engineering Lab 1
*4CCS1FC1 Foundations of Computing 1
*4CCP1351 Mathematical Methods in Physics
*4CCP1352 Classical Mechanics
*4CCS1EES Entrepreneurial Skills
*4CCS1LOD Logic Design
Year 2 (2017/18):
5CCS2POE Principles of Electronics
5CCS2CIT Circuit Theory**
*5CCS2SAS Signals and Systems
5CCS2ECM Electricity and Magnetism
5CCS2ENM Engineering Mathematics**
5CCS2PL2 Engineering Lab 2**
5CCS2FC2 Foundations of Computing 2**
5CCS2ITR Introduction to Robotics
Year 3 (2018/19):
6CCS3COS Communication Systems
6CCS3CIS Cryptography and Information Security**
6CCS3SEA Sensors and Actuators
6CCS3ELC Electric Circuits**
6CCS3RSC Real Time Systems and Control
6CCS3OME Optimisation Methods**
*6CCS3EGP Engineering Group Project
Year 4 (2019/20):
*7CCS4EEP Electronic Engineering Individual Project
*7CCSMRVA Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
*7CCSMDCO Digital Communications
*7CCSMTN1 Telecommunication Networks I
*7CCSMTN2 Telecommunication Networks II
*7CCSMNTH Network Theory
*7CCSMROB Robotic Systems
*7CCSMBIM Biologically Inspired Methods (additionally taken)